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Industry information
Guangdong aluminum industry standard alliance pilot acceptance meeting was held smoothly
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On June 22, Guangdong standard alliance pilot project "aluminum profile industry standard alliance pilot" undertaken by Foshan Nanhai Aluminum Profile Industry Association and other units passed the evaluation and acceptance with 93.5 points of excellent results, and reached the excellent level.

The pilot project has established Guangdong aluminum profile industry standard alliance initiated by 10 units, with reasonable organization structure and working mechanism, carrying out project research and standard development, building information platform for aluminum profile standardization, formulating and releasing 2 alliance standards, among which "building aluminum alloy template" is raised to industry standard, filling in domestic blank, and vigorously publicized through multimedia and other channels Pass on the alliance standard, strengthen the standardization training of the member units of the alliance, and at the same time, transfer the alliance standardization into the enterprise standards of the member units of the alliance. The alliance standard supports and leads the development obviously, the industrial economic benefits are improved, and the pilot effect is excellent.

Guangdong aluminum industry standard alliance pilot project is a pilot project issued by Guangdong Province in 2014. The successful acceptance of the project plays an important role in promoting the pilot work of the standard alliance in promoting the aluminum profile industry cluster to formulate alliance standards that meet the needs of industrial development and even higher than national standards, and guide the development and technical innovation of aluminum profile industry with alliance standards.

At the same time, the acceptance of the aluminum profile industry standard alliance has been passed, effectively solving the problems such as the different enterprise standards and unstable product quality, guiding the enterprises to improve quality and efficiency, and "group" development, promoting the optimization and upgrading of the industry and improving the competitiveness of the enterprises.

Updated:2019-08-23 | Return
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